Pep Talks and motivational speeches are an important component of human development. Iconic CEO’s, coaches, orchestra conductors, authors, ballet artists and 5-Star Admirals will all agree: across a span of time, (say an NFL season or concert tour) candid leaders will admit they can probably push a performer to their optimum up to forty percent of the time.
If you desire to rise to a level of exceptional leadership, keep in mind it’s what you do to inspire a performer on those days where his or her peak performance is off. Recently while with a very successful radio client the market manager asked me, “How do I get them to keep raising their expectations?” She may not have appreciated my response though understood my view:
“It’s not critical, nor is it a reasonable expectation your morning show be at 100% every day. But it IS important for them to WANT to be.”
As for sales teams it’s not easily explained why a seller is in hyper-mode one week, somewhat lethargic the next. Nor is it easily defined why a Sales Manager is “in the zone.” We’ve long supported the concept that each of us moves to what we picture; negative self-talk leads to negative results. There’s never been a time in current history quite like the dark tunnel forever to be known as “the Covid era.” It’s been a lengthy, discouraging ordeal for many Americans; especially for incentive –based Radio people. Through it all many leaders continue to ponder, “And, who motivates the motivator?”
Credible leaders will sign-off on the premise that instead of benchmarking your radio staff’s performance against the people down the street, sustaining inspiration must come from within your leadership team. Eventually the leaders on your staff will raise the bar and either directly or indirectly, exhort their teammates to push harder, think bigger, and in the process set a standard not yet found. Ironically these triumphs usually occur during times of distress!
Again: it’s not crucial nor is it possible for every person to deliver 100% all of the time. But it’s important for them to want to! That’s where managers and department heads earn their compensation…and their respect. It may be time to let go the life ring and swim out beyond the breakwater. That’s what truly fuels business performance and self-esteem.
Today belongs to the quick and the passionate while cemeteries are filled with people who had “oh so much potential.” Walking with confidence, self-assurance and intense passion for helping others is at the very core of leadership!
Long after the “Covid Era” is over one truth will remain: some among us will have become stronger, more assured, and more competent leaders, while others will dwell on the ordeal.
It’s not “a search for perfection,” instead, wanting to be stronger tomorrow than today. Anyone can look back and play the pointless game of “what if?” Behind an open door, there lie a hundred more.