“It’s NOT the Leftovers that are wasteful – but those who either don’t know what to do with them or can’t be bothered with them.” – Julian Baggini
Your refrigerator is full of them – and by Cyber-Monday week, you’re sick of them.
We’ve covered Clutter Creep – the piling on of ideas without shedding stale concepts.
Now that you’ve reviewed your brand for clutter, what to do with – The Leftovers?
Those once- sacred artifacts that are dumped in the hold file.
Genius Fred Jacobs referred to them as Zombies.
The Leftovers aren’t without value – to someone else.
They had true purpose for you – but the shelf life expired.
So, in the spirit of the holidays, share them.
Ring up a colleague in a similar business.
Offer them the strategic, tactical and execution guts of the program that once brought YOU success.
Networking with a voice – not virtually – is a lost art.
Think of it as an Open Book garage sale – where the currency is ideas.
More times than not the voice on the other end with share one (or more) future Leftovers – in return.
Next Week: Alliances