“Your perception will determine your reception”
– Bernard Kelvin Clive
Elwood, Indiana.
A small town filled with Americana Values – tucked in the belly of The Hoosier State.
Also, home to the world headquarters to – The Red Gold brand.
Their executive facilities are housed in an old elementary school – with few markers to waypoint their gates.
When entering the building, there’s no buzzer or passcode for entry.
No – you will find a welcoming reception person – offering coffee.
And – a walk through their museum.
Yes – museum.
Make the short 22 minute trip west on IN 28 and south on IN 213 and you will run into Beck’s Hybrids.
Atlanta, Indiana.
The middle of – somewhere.
Beck’s Hybrids is a family owned- national brand.
Yet – when you enter their headquarters, you instantly feel at home.
You’re suddenly in the middle of a faith based ‘bookstore’ – read while you wait.
You are also offered a gourmet coffee – sip while you wait.
You’ll be invited a self-guided tour through their fascinating museum.
Want some Beck’s swag – they have their Country Store – right on the property.
Red Gold and Beck’s don’t need to have these ‘extras’ – they WANT to have them to enhance your experience.
If fact, just 8 minutes away – north on IN 19 is another global Ag brand.
DuPont – Pioneer -Corporately owned – publicly traded.
No welcoming center – hot coffee – museum to tour.
Each building – which resembles a WWII era barracks – require you to pick up a cold gray corded telephone in order to be ‘buzzed in’.
When you arrive in your reception area this morning – take a hard look.
Skeletal Covid staff is a great opportunity to re-examine YOUR reception area.
You’ve walked through it hundreds – perhaps thousands of time.
What does YOUR reception say – about YOUR brand?
Does it resemble a Hard Rock Cafe – or bank lobby?
Whatever you have in your reception – sets the stage for both employees – and clients.
Your perception – IS your reception.
Next Week – Mothership