The Dirty Dozen-12 Reasons for Ad Failure
- A client’s insistence on instant gratification.
- The fantasy that he/she can reach more people than budget will allow.
- Trying to spray and pray: wide, instead of deep.
- Seller’s assumption the business or Ad Manager “knows best.”
- Unsubstantiated claims in the copy.
- Poor use of alternative media such as the yellow book or cab backs.
- Low grade copy; creating an “Ad” instead of a cinematic experience.
- Insistence on late week scheduling.
- Overuse of event-dominated marketing.
- Great copy with poor production, or, poor copy with great production.
- Confusing response head-count with results.
- Settling for an “order” instead of creating a strategic campaign.
- How do you grade your ad-creation across the cluster? A_ B_ C_ D_
- How do you grade your production? A_ B_ C_ D_
- Who is responsible for your creative process? Seller_ Copywriter _ Production _ All 3 _
- Is there a culture for performance vis-à-vis your competitors’ creative services?
There’s no thief like weak creative! That also applies to station imaging.