“The important thing was that I was still on the radio” –Dick Biondi when ask why he took a job in a small town in South Carolina
Where did branding go?
There was a day – albeit decades ago – where each broadcast brand had a ‘look’.
Coached to don suits, colorful scarves, and whacky hats.
The point is that when you saw them – you knew them.
Talent – knew their ‘look’.
WMCA Good Guys – Boss Radio Jocks – WLS Swinging Seven.
What happened to the talent group photo?
Today you’d be hard pressed to find a talent at an appearance with the brand logo on their chest, mic flag or behind a banner.
Radio – decades back – was The Complete Package.
How they dressed – how they performed – how they showcased.
Talent coaching – a weekly priority.
When did the focus on talent – disappear?
Talent – had their own jingle.
The Complete Package has vanished.
As SiriusXM – with merit – throws shade at legacy broadcast.
We’ll get the THAT – next time.
Take a moment to look how your Complete Package is presented.
You just might be surprised how unremarkable it is.
Next Up – They’re (Mostly) Right