“Writing a tune is like sculpting. You get four or five notes, you take one out and move one around and you do a little bit more and eventually the sculptor says, ‘In that rock there is a statue, we have to go find it” – John Williams
Parallels between creating a radio brand and developing a movie are striking. Even the roles that behind-the scenes players occupy are similar.
The Owner (Executive Producer) funds the operation, General Manager (Producer) hires the Program Director (Director) as the Program Director populates his brand (the movie) with talent (actors).
In a perfect world, the vision for the product comes directly from the mind and leadership of The Team.
Every element, from the business matrix to compelling messaging to marketing to product delivery, supports that vision.
What comes through the target market is – The Score.
The minutia inside the sonic design, the atmospherics of the product spring from the mind of Program Director.
The ART of ‘scoring’ the product is a lost – uh – art!
Great brands are built on an intuitive music scheme (beyond research), focused, unique, compelling talent and larger-than-life reflective packaging.
All programmers of should take a day away from the office every quarter and listen intently to their ‘movie’.
Best done sequestered and away from distraction, this isolation will allow you to SEE your song-to-song decisions, HEAR the score in your packaging and truly DIRECT the air talent.
It won’t be ever be perfect – but (like movies) with a touch of risk, it will be different.
YOUR – ‘different’.
Today – now.
Do you hear a statue inside your radio?
Next Week – “You Won’t See That In A Marketing Report”
About Audience Development Group

When you’re in a ratings war it’s best to aim high. When you’re in a budget war it’s best to aim low. Do both with one nationally proven, multiple format consulting partner: one firm, one culture, one travel expense, one consolidated fee. Call us today – before your competition does.